The Mission of every local Church is to learn and experience the Kingdom of God and to manifest It to others.

The Local Church is to be preoccupied with itself only to the extent that it becomes effective in it's Mission.

1. Our first ministry is to God, therefore we worship with extravagant joy & gratitude.

Our personal relationship with Him is our number one priority and supersedes all other loyalties and relationships.

2. Jesus came to "Destroy the works of the Devil" so through Him we do the same.

His salvation frees us from the power of the devil - sin, lies, sickness & torment.

3. Every believer is a supernatural minister of the gospel of power whom signs & wonders should follow.

All ministry flows from the prayer, "Thy kingdom come... on earth as it is in heaven."

The Church equips and sends "the church" to carry on the works of Jesus.

4. We demonstrate God's grace, His unconditional love & transforming power, to everyone.

We impact every socioeconomic group & cultural realm that mercy & justice would reign because we pastor a city, not just a church.

5. Christ is returning for a glorious overcoming bride - His Church

We are more than "sinners saved by grace", we are saints - sons & daughters of the King.

We expect to successfully fulfill the Great Commission - passing on revival from one generation to the next - even if the world grows darker in the last days.

6. We embrace the biblical government of bishops, elders, and deacons via the office gifts of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers.